Adjustable Beds relieve pain

The specific back condition the person has is an important factor that can influence individual preferences for mattresses, beds and sleeping positions. A lot of these back conditions can be attributed to poor bedding. Using electric adjustable beds for therapeutic purposes can be the solution. The following are the health problems that can be addressed by using electric adjustable beds.

Our bodies are naturally curved, not flat. This fact is what gives discomfort when sleeping on a flat bed because your body can’t adjust to the bed. Sleeping on an adjustable bed can significantly reduce back pain, neck pain, shoulder tension, pelvic aches.

People with lower back pain can sleep better when sleeping on an adjustable bed. That is because adjustable beds allow users to change the incline angle of the head and the foot of the bed. A slight incline of the head, coupled with additional support under the knees, can help reduce back pain. People who find standing up straight painful but feel better bending forward will also benefit from using an adjustable chair.

People suffering from asthma or other breathing problems feels less discomfort when they sleep on adjustable beds. They report that they are able to breathe better in a raised position. That is because having the upper body inclined allows airways to become more open, thus making breathing much easier.

Adjustable beds can also increase circulation because it reduces the pressure on the rest of your body. It is therapeutic since provides relief to those who are feeling discomfort in their legs and feet. It can also making getting out of bed easier because you do not have to roll and sit up unlike when rising from a flat bed.

Also know as wear and tear disease, osteoarthritis is a common degenerative disease of the joints. Adjustable beds can conveniently provide therapeutic relief as they are controlled electronically and can be adjusted to different positions. People suffering from osteoarthritis will find relief when their head and knees are elevated when they sleep, the position an adjustable bed provides.

This is also true for people suffering from spinal stenosis, a medical conditions where the spine narrows down. Those suffering from spinal stenosis often find bending forward comfortable instead of standing up straight. Sleeping on a flat surface will then be less comfortable compared to sleeping in the reclining position afforded by an adjustable bed.

There are a range of options for relieving back pain such as pain medication, cold or heat compress, or seeing a doctor. But getting a good night’s sleep in the proper position is the simplest way to ease these pains. And you can easily get it by using an electric adjustable bed.

A quality electric adjustable bed is what you need if you can’t get a sound sleep at night, have difficulties in breathing, and feel neck or back pains in the morning. Don’t scrimp money at the expense of your health.

Bill Jackson a freelance writer and adjustable bed owner. You can find out more about adjustable beds by visiting

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